Brochure "Opportunities for citizen participation in Jena"
In its meeting on December 8, 2021, the Jena City Council decided that the city administration should produce a publication that informs the city community about opportunities for participation and co-determination in political decisions.
In particular, the possibilities for submitting citizens' inquiries, petitions, residents' applications and petitions and their processing routes were to be explained in understandable language and more detailed information on participatory budgeting and participation in development planning procedures was to be provided. Furthermore, participation opportunities in local political decision-making processes were to be explained. These include, for example, district councils, advisory boards, the deficiency report or contact with city council groups.
A brochure was compiled with the broad participation of many areas of the city administration, local politics and the advisory board for citizen participation, which you can find under Downloads.
A second, low-barrier version of the brochure was produced in response to suggestions from the advisory board for people with disabilities. In order to improve readability, especially for people with visual impairments, the colors and the design of the graphics have been adapted.
Brochures "Opportunities for citizen participation in Jena"
Printed copies of the non-barrier-free brochure will initially be freely available at the following locations from 21.05.2024:
- Central Coordination Office for Citizen Participation, Am Anger 26
- Citizen Services Department, Engelplatz 1
- Integrated social planning, Lutherplatz 3
- Ernst Abbe Library, Engelplatz 2
- JenaKultur Marketing, Knebelstraße 10
- Tourist Information, Oberlauengasse 3
- Stadtwerke Jena Customer Center, Saalstraße 8a
- LISA district center, Werner-Seelenbinder-Straße 28a
- Winzerla district office, Anna-Siemsen-Straße 49
- Lobeda district office, Karl-Marx-Allee 28
Interested parties are also welcome to contact us by e-mail at
New display locations (e.g. at the district mayors' offices) will be published here at regular intervals.
Printed copies of the accessible brochure are distributed by the Advisory Board for People with Disabilities.