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Citizen budget 2019

In its meeting on 13 December 2018, the Jena City Council followed with a large majority the recommendation of the Advisory Board for Citizen Participation to continue the participatory budget from 2019 in the form of a citizens' budget. A fixed amount per financial year is planned in the budget, the use of which can be decided directly by the residents according to a set of rules or statutes. The proposals should primarily be of an investment nature, serve the general public, strengthen cohesion in the neighbourhood/district and, if possible, be able to be implemented within two years.

With its recommendation, the advisory board implemented the proposed changes to the participatory budget that were most frequently mentioned during the 2015 participation process. When asked what the participatory budget should offer in the future, the following points accounted for the most mentions:

  • Should relate more to concrete investment projects,
  • should provide an internet portal where people can discuss and vote,
  • should provide a fixed annual budget, the use of which citizens can vote on, and
  • provide more opportunities for citizens to make their own suggestions.
Mehrere unterschiedlich große Farbpunkte in gelber, grüner und roter Farbe, die kreisförmig angeordnet sind. Daneben steht der Schriftzug: Bürgerbudget Jena. Für mich. Für uns. Für Jena.
Logo für das Jenaer Bürgerbudget

The most important information on the citizens' budget

The amount of the separate budget for the residents of the city of Jena is € 100,000 per year.

The citizens' budget can only be used for projects and measures that

  • are in the area of voluntary tasks of the city,
  • are not already budgeted for in the budget or economic plan of a municipal undertaking and
  • cannot be implemented by other financing possibilities (e.g. budget of the local district councils, general guideline on grants, guideline on the promotion of culture or guideline on the promotion of sports of the city of Jena).

The concrete determination of the amount of the citizens' budget takes place with the medium-term financial planning of the budget statute.

Should the city of Jena have to draw up a budget protection concept, it is obliged to set the separate citizens' budget to "0 €" within the framework of consolidation.

All people who would like to help shape Jena are entitled to submit proposals for the use of the citizens' budget. In order for the proposal to be valid and voted on, it is obligatory to provide the name and contact details of the submitter for any queries.

Proposals can be sent

  • in writing by suggestion card or letter to

Department of Urban Development and Environment
Central Coordination Office for Citizen Participation
At the Anger 26
07743 Jena,


Suggestion cards are also available from the mayors of the local districts.

Proposals for the citizens' budget can be submitted throughout the year. The deadline for consideration in the budget of the current calendar year is 30.06. of the year. Proposals submitted after this date will be included in the subsequent citizens' budget.

The proposals received will be checked for validity by the City of Jena. This will usually take five working days. All submitted proposals are continuously published on the portal or can be viewed during office hours at the Central Coordination Office. For proposals that are not valid, there is a justification by the city of Jena.

Proposals will be put to the vote if

  • have been received within the submission deadline
  • the responsibility for the implementation lies with the city of Jena,
  • are realizable within the next two years,
  • do not exceed the amount of 10,000 € per individual measure,
  • are not a measure or project that is designed for the long term or entails continuous follow-up costs,
  • serve the general public and
  • relate to the voluntary area of responsibility of the city of Jena, such as work with children and young people, work with senior citizens, culture, sport, environment and nature, design of public spaces, public order and safety, etc.

Proposals can also be submitted in favour of associations, sponsors, organisations and institutions by natural persons, provided that they are residents of the city of Jena.

Proposals are not put to the vote if they

  • are already budgeted in the budget of the city administration or the business plans of the municipal enterprises or
  • can be allocated to the budget of the local district councils, the General Allocation Guideline, the Cultural Promotion Guideline or the Sports Promotion Guideline of the City of Jena.

All residents of Jena who are at least 16 years old can directly decide which proposals will be implemented with the citizens' budget.

In the period from 19.08. - 10.09.2019, registered users have the opportunity to vote via the online portal or can vote by ballot paper upon presentation of their identity card. There will be a public event on 14/09/2019 where voting can take place on site. The successful proposals will be announced at the end of the event.