Citizens' budget 2022
Result of the vote
The valid final result was determined by the Advisory Board for Citizen Participation at its meeting on 15.11.2022. You can find the overview under Downloads. Of the 29 proposals available for selection, 14 can be implemented over the next two years. The remaining amount of €3,970 will be transferred to the 2023 citizens' budget in accordance with the regulations. A total of 6,344 valid votes were cast.
Further information can be found on the participation platform. Congratulations to all the winners. The other proposals can be submitted again next year.
Introduction to the citizens' budget
What do an information board on the Jägerberg, a ground trampoline on the West sports field and a swing at the Hugo youth center have in common? All of these projects exist in Jena thanks to the citizens' budget. Since 2019, part of the city of Jena's budget has been available only to residents. They can contribute their ideas on which projects should be implemented with the budget. And later, all residents aged 16 and over can vote on them.
The most important information about the citizens' budget
What is the citizens' budget?
The citizens' budget is a special form of participation for residents of the city of Jena. It gives them the opportunity to submit proposals for measures to improve the city. They then have the opportunity to vote on which of the proposals submitted should be implemented as part of the budget.
Proposals can only be submitted for measures that
- are in the area of voluntary tasks of the city of Jena,
- are not already included in the budget or business plan of a municipal enterprise and
- cannot be implemented through other financing options.
This year, the total amount of the citizens' budget is €100,000.
Who can submit proposals?
Anyone who would like to help shape Jena is entitled to submit proposals for the use of the citizens' budget. To ensure that the proposal is valid and can be voted on, the name and a contact option for any queries must be included with the submission.
What requirements must a proposal fulfill?
Proposals will be put to the vote if they
- are received within the submission deadline (by 31.07.2022),
- the responsibility for implementation lies with the City of Jena (core administration and in-house operations)
- can be implemented within the next two years,
- do not exceed €10,000 per individual measure
- are not a measure or project that is intended to be permanent,
- the follow-up costs for maintenance, upkeep and management over the next 5 years are included in the budget costs of max. € 10,000,
- serve the general public and
- relate to the voluntary tasks of the City of Jena, such as work with children and young people, senior citizens, culture, sport, etc.
Proposals can also be submitted for the benefit of associations, sponsors, organizations and institutions of natural persons, provided they are residents of the city of Jena. However, only proposals that are either located in public spaces or in publicly accessible areas or are accessible to the general public free of charge can be implemented.
Proposals will not be put to the vote if they have already been budgeted for in the city administration's budget or the business plans of the municipal enterprises.
The citizens' budget and the measures it supports are part of democratic engagement and, in accordance with the Jena city program, may not discriminate against anyone with regard to ethnic origin, gender, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual identity.
How could I submit my proposal?
During the proposal phase, you had eight weeks to submit your suggestions for what the €100,000 budget should be spent on this year. There were two ways to do this:
1. via the online participation platform: Here you could enter your idea in the period from 01.06. to 31.07.2022. It was then published on the platform for all to see. **
2. you could also submit your proposal by e-mail to buergerhaushalt@jena.de or in writing to
Urban Development and Environment Department
Central Coordination Office for Citizen Participation
Am Anger 26
07743 Jena
In the written version, we ideally also asked you to provide an e-mail address or a telephone number so that we could contact you more easily.
** Registration was required for the platform. This had to be done with a user name, an e-mail address and a self-chosen password.
How and when will the proposals be voted on?
Vote for your favorites!
All residents of Jena who are at least 16 years old can decide directly which proposals will be implemented with the citizens' budget. Each person entitled to vote can cast a maximum of five votes. The five votes can be cumulated for one proposal or distributed among different proposals. The result of the vote is binding.
Voting can take place from 01.10.2022 to 12.11.2022 as follows
- on the online participation platform ** or
- via ballot papers, which can be handed in at various locations.
The ballot paper should be filled out completely and placed in an envelope. Please label it "Zentrale Koordinierungsstelle Bürgerbeteiligung, Abstimmung Bürgerbudget". You will find detailed information on the submission locations and the ballot paper itself here in good time before the voting phase.
** Registration is required for the platform. This must be done with a user name, an e-mail address and a password of your choice.