Drinking fountain for the population of Jena
Ms wave
Brief description of the proposal
Sufficient water is of particular importance for human health and the daily need increases with rising temperatures. Which is why at least two stationary drinking fountains in the city, one on Ernst-Abbe-Platz and one on Marktplatz or Kirchplatz, should serve to give the population of Jena the opportunity to drink and fill up with water free of charge in a public place.
approx. 5,000 € per drinking fountain
Statement of the administration
Unfortunately, the proposal does not comply with the rules for the citizens' budget and can therefore not be put to the vote. The citizens' budget can be used to fund investment measures that do not entail any follow-up costs. The quality of the drinking water must be subjected to regular checks, which incurs not inconsiderable costs. There are currently no budget funds available for this.
However, we take the proposal as an important indication for climate adaptation and hope to be able to implement this idea in another way.