Proposal for citizen participation
Paul Wciorka
Brief description of the proposal
Put up several information boards in the city on the following topics. The information should correspond to the current state of science, which also includes unpleasant facts. For example, that our monocultures cause a lot of damage, that a large part of our plastic waste is shipped abroad and then ends up uncontrolled in nature and much more. The help of universities can also be used here. Next to one or more large diagrams there should be various interesting facts. There should also be a contact address in the showcase, so that one can submit suggestions for improvement.
The boards or showcases could be fixed in several places in the city (e.g. Holzmarkt, Paradies, Bahnhof, Johannistor, etc.).
Possible topics:
- Water cycle (natural and man-made cycles, groundwater).
- Air cycle
- Waste
- Insects (including extinction of species, statistics with number of insects in the last decades, why do we need insects, what can be done)
- Mankind
- Aquatic life
- Forest creatures
- City history (e.g.: create 12 posters and exchange them monthly)
- Animal husbandry
- Agriculture
- Forest (plants, tree death, area in Germany and worldwide, change of area in the last decades)
- Mobility
- Equip 2 to 4 display cases in cooperation between schools and university and university of applied sciences, which are changed every few weeks. The students have to think of a topic, work it out together and then it will be displayed.
- Have 1 or more display cases stocked by senior homes or volunteers.
I think it would be important if there was actually permanent citizen participation in the topics in the display cases. That way, permanently posted posters could be continually improved and showcases with changing themes would reach a wide variety.
not yet named
Opinion of the administration
The proposal is invalid.
On the one hand, there are financial reasons, since 5,000 € are not sufficient to cover a) the content-related expenditure and b) also the constructional expenditure. A display case in the public space, which is suitable according to the safety regulations, costs at least 800 €, the installation costs about 600 €, and the maintenance costs for the next 5 years would have to be added.
On the other hand, the personnel resources for the organisational effort cannot be provided.