Redesign of the outdoor area at the Hugo Youth Centre
Ms Felsch, AWO Regionalverband Mitte-West-Thüringen e. V.
Brief description of the proposal
The outdoor area of the HUGO Youth Centre is currently little used and represents an unattractive green space. The area is very visible, directly at two streets and consists to a large extent of an empty meadow area, on which there is only one play element. Furthermore, the youth centre is located in Jena-Winzerla - a large prefabricated housing estate. There are few public spaces and retreats for young people in the district. Therefore, the area directly adjacent to the Hugo Youth Centre offers great potential for creating an appealing place for young people aged 12-27 to spend time in the long term.
In the period from 13 to 15 February of this year, there was already an ideas workshop at the Hugo Youth Centre. Here we made an area inspection with young people and collected possible ideas for the redesign of the outdoor area. For example, hedges were requested to be planted around the existing area. This should create a place of retreat and reduce the visibility of the area. Fruit trees and the creation of a raised bed were also suggested. The sand in the existing sandpit needs changing. Fixed seating elements should encourage people to meet and relax. Other ideas include a basketball hoop, a double swing, a trampoline, and a fire pit. The proposal for a permanent pavilion is particularly salient. Since there are hardly any covered meeting places for young people in the district, young people could withdraw here undisturbed and spend time outside, even if the weather changes or is bad. The resulting design concept and the cost-financing plan can be found in the appendix.
The implementation of the desired measures and elements is to be realized in the period from 15.09.2019 to 31.12.2021 with the support of appropriate specialist companies on the outdoor area at the Hugo Youth Centre. Under the professional guidance of the horticultural staff, the young people can participate in the creation of their ideas on the outdoor area. However, the purchase of the outdoor play elements and their TÜV-compliant installation by specialist companies requires financial resources that are not provided for in the annual budget of a youth centre. If necessary, e.g. due to time delays or insufficient funds, individual (play) elements can also be purchased and installed at a later date without jeopardizing the overall project. Therefore, we ask you for your vote for the participatory budget to support the redesign of the outdoor area at the Hugo Youth Centre.
7.000 €
Statement of the administration
The proposal complies with the rules and regulations on the citizens' budget and is put to the vote.